Butterfly Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoos
One of the most sought after tattoo designs today is the butterfly tattoo. This design is more attractive to women, although there are also people who use it. The butterfly is one of the most beautiful and colorful creatures that we often see around. They are soft and pleasant to look not like the scary-looking insects. And although there are some other nice-looking bugs, butterflies are still regarded as the best. In addition, the butterfly tattoo designs are popular for many reasons. For one, because they are naturally colored, the user can use the colors that she wanted the butterfly tattoo. Plus, the unique patterns on butterfly wings individuals can provide an opportunity to get creative and produce a good design.
Scorpio Tattoo Crowling

Tribal Scorpio Tattoo Deadliest

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Tattoos were certainly not limited to Native Americans, however. The Yokuts of California used body modification to call attention to the location of a person's supernatural power; the indigenous tribes of New Zealand, Africa, Central America and Hawaii also practiced the art of tattooing.
Tribal Tattoo ideas for girls

Tribal Back Tattoo for girls
Tribal Tattoo Gallery
The Roman Numeral Tattoo Trend
Victoria Beckham started yet another trend and this time is has nothing to do with hair or fashion. Victoria's Roman numeral tattoo of the date she and hubby David renewed their wedding vows seems to have lead to a trend of roman numeral tattoos amongst other A-listers. Eva Longoria, shortly after she began a friendship with Victoria, was spotted with an identical tattoo on the same wrist. The only thing that differs Eva's from Victoria's is the date. Eva's says, 7/7/07 which is her wedding date to husband Tony Parker. Rhianna is the latest to jump on the Roman numeral tattoo band wagon. She was spotted in NYC with a freshly inked shoulder. Rhianna's tattoo is much larger but is equally sexy. The Umbrella singer chose a very interesting spot but I have to say, it compliments her. The Roman numeral tattoo that Victoria Beckham has is my second favorite of her tattoos. As I mentioned before, I love her neck tattoo but I've always wanted one on my wrist - I'm just too chicken to actually go get one!
Japanese Tattoo Lettering

Japanese tattoos and tattoo lettering are steeped in tradition, symbolism and mysticism. From their roots as religious symbols to their usage as signs of the Yakuza, to their current day popularity in the West, Japanese tattoos are unique to both the wearer and the artist. Find out about the different types of Japanese tattoos and tattoo lettering, before you decide to get one yourself.